Friday, July 4, 2008

Summertime and the living is easy.

July 4, 2008

Summertime and the living is easy. I spent a night out on the roof deck; it was so warm and wonderful. Of course, I sleep most of the day so the nights are my highlight. There are a lot of people like that, too. I watch them come home in the wee hours.

I love Independence Day--the hot dogs on the grill, fireworks, lots of people around. The heated pool at the inn is divine.

The new BBQ deck is big and beautiful. Just picture a wedding ceremony there with the backdrop of this vast landscape, Cape Cod
National Seashore moor, dunes, lighthouse and the bay. I'm such a romantic.

The blueberries wil be ripe in a couple weeks. Moms go to Beech Forest and fill coffee cans full of luscious, healthy berries. Yum !
Yum ! They are so good for the natural insulin in them. I'll keep you posted.

All for now. I hear the parade coming.


1 comment:

Patricia S. Rudden said...

Hey Bob--

I'm sending you my two people next week. They need it.

It'll be nice to have the apartment to myself. They'll also be happy to see you.

Max in Manhattan